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What is the technological process of the brine ice maker? How is the ice making effect?

Author:Dongguan Geally Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd Date:2022-08-30 Reading:

An ice maker is a refrigeration mechanical device that cools water from a refrigerant in a refrigeration system through an evaporator to generate ice. According to the different principles of the evaporator and the generation process, the shape of the generated ice is also different. What is the technological process of the brine ice maker? And what is the effect of ice making? Welcome to read!

Process flow of brine ice maker:

Brine ice making is an indirect cooling system. In a traditional salt water ice pool, the evaporator salt water pool and the salt water ice pool are combined into one ice pool separated by a partition. After the brine is cooled in the evaporator brine pool, it enters the ice-making brine pool under the action of the agitator to cool the ice bucket. After the temperature rises, the brine flows into the evaporator brine pool from the other side for further cooling. In the brine ice making equipment, the heat of the refrigerant in the evaporator absorbs the brine and keeps the brine cooling at about -10~14℃. When the water in the ice bucket is frozen, the ice bucket group will be continuously lifted from the ice making tank by the crane and put into the ice melting tank to melt the ice, then the ice shelf will be used for dehydration, and the ice will be stored or directly passed through The glide path is transported into the ice storage. After dehydration, fill the empty ice bucket with water and put it in the ice maker to continue production and so on.

Ice effect of brine ice maker:

Seawater ice machines are relatively poor when it comes to ice making, because in the ice making system, the concentration (salt content) of the brine solution (*sodium or calcium) is closely related to the heat exchange in the evaporator. The solution concentration is low, the crystallization point is high (freezing point), the heat is low, the cooling capacity is low, and the cooling temperature is slow to cool down; the solution concentration is high, the crystallization point (freezing point) temperature is low, the heat and cooling capacity are also large, and the cooling temperature drops rapidly. But the concentration of the solution must not exceed its own freezing point, otherwise the freezing point will rise. *The freezing point of sodium is 21.2°C, the salt content is 23.1%, and the 100% salt content is 30.1%; *The freezing point of calcium is 55.0°C, the salt content is 29.9%, and the salt content is 42.7% with a water content of 100% (calcium Solution Characterization Table). For proper and economical operation of the entire refrigeration system, it is very important to regularly test the brine solution and maintain the brine solution within the specified limits.

Thanks for reading, the above is what is the technological process of the brine ice maker? How is the ice making effect? The introduction, part of the content is from the Internet, for reference only. If you want to know more details about the salt water ice maker, please call us and we will serve you wholeheartedly.

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