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Temperature determination of brine ice machines

Author:Dongguan Geally Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd Date:2022-08-30 Reading:

Brine ice making is an indirect cooling system. In the conventional brine ice making pool, the evaporator salt pool is combined with the brine ice making pool to form an ice making pool separated by a partition. As the brine cools in the evaporator salt pool, it goes through the agitator into the ice-making salt pool to cool the ice bucket. As the temperature rises, the brine flows from the other side into the evaporator's salt pond for further cooling. Then let's take a look at the temperature measurement of the brine ice machine.

Temperature determination of brine ice maker:

1. The level of brine temperature t1 directly affects the freezing speed and the quality of ice cubes. Lowering T1 increases the freezing rate, but requires lowering the evaporating temperature, thus lowering the cooling coefficient. Increasing T1 does no good for heat transfer between the brine and the ice bucket and also reduces freezing speed. The total temperature is 1-10.

2. The temperature difference between the brine temperature and the t2 evaporation temperature is large, which can accelerate the heat transfer between the brine and the refrigerant, which is conducive to the cooling of the brine, but with the increase of t2, a lower evaporation temperature is required, resulting in The unit power consumption of the compressor increases. The temperature difference between the evaporation temperature and the brine is about 5°C.

3. The freezing temperature of the brine must ensure that it will not freeze at low temperatures, so that the brine can circulate in the ice making device. If the freezing temperature is close to the evaporating temperature, the brine may freeze. However, if the solidification temperature of the brine is required to be too low, the power consumption of the agitator will increase due to the increase of the brine concentration. The freezing temperature of brine is 6~8°C lower than the evaporating temperature.

The content explained above is related to the temperature measurement of the brine ice machine. I hope it will be helpful to you after reading it. If you want to know more about the brine ice machine, you can consult Our online customer service, we will serve you wholeheartedly.

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