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Ice Making,Freezing and Refrigeration Technology
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The working principle of flake ice machine and the principle of ice making

Author:Dongguan Geally Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd Date:2022-08-30 Reading:

The evaporator of the flake ice machine is a vertically erected barrel structure, which is composed of the main ice-making components, the ice blade, the main shaft, the sprinkler tray, and the water tray. Driven by the reducer, they slowly rotate counterclockwise. The cooling effect of flake ice has the characteristics of large and rapid cooling capacity. Let me introduce to you the working principle of the flake ice machine and the principle of ice making. Welcome to read!

The working principle of flake ice machine:

1. Flake ice water needs to be salted (in the jargon called dosing). As for the quantity! Check the amount of ice. The modulation pump (piston pump) is automatically adjusted.

2. The main body of the flake ice machine is divided into two cavity inner disks with a certain density of copper tubes! The technical term (evaporation chamber) is the colloquial refrigeration.

3. The outer cavity has a very regular circular stainless steel inner cavity. The distance between the three-blade scraper and the inner wall can be adjusted by itself, which is generally 3 mm. There are several groups of evenly distributed copper nozzles above the ice blade!

4. The principle is that when the plunger pump starts, 0.2 kg of water is evenly sprayed onto the surface of the inner cavity through several filters, and then a 3 mm thick ice surface is instantly formed on the cooling surface of the outer cavity. Under the action of the rotating ice blade, the freshly made ice is broken into small pieces and falls into the storage room!

Ice making principle of flake ice machine:

The water enters the water distribution tray from the water inlet of the evaporator of the flake ice machine, and the water is evenly sprinkled on the inner wall of the evaporator through the sprinkler pipe to form a water film; the water film exchanges heat with the refrigerant in the evaporator channel, and the temperature is rapid. Descends, forming a thin layer of ice on the inside walls of the evaporator. Under the squeezing of the ice blade, it is broken into ice cubes and falls into the refrigerator from the outlet of the ice cubes. Some unfrozen water is returned from the return port to the cold water tank through the drip tray, and passed through the cold water circulation pump.

Ice-making cycle: Through the replenishment water valve, the water automatically enters the water storage tank, and then the water is pumped to the diverter head through the flow control valve, the water is evenly sprayed on the surface of the ice maker, and flows through the wall of the ice maker like a water curtain. Cooled to freezing point, the unevaporated frozen water flows into the water storage tank through the porous tank

Ice mining cycle: When the ice reaches the required thickness (under normal circumstances, the thickness of the ice is 1.5-2.2 mm), the hot air discharged from the compressor is re-introduced back to the ice maker clip wall to replace the low-temperature liquid refrigerant. In this way, a water film is formed between the ice and the wall of the evaporation tube, and when the ice falls freely into the lower groove by gravity, it will play a lubricating role. The water produced during the ice harvest cycle is returned to the water storage tank through the perforated tank, preventing the wet ice from being discharged by the machine.

Thank you for reading. The above is an introduction to the working principle of the flake ice machine and the principle of ice making. Some of the contents are from the Internet and are for reference only. If you want to know more details about the flake ice machine, please call for details and serve you wholeheartedly.

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