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Container type of ice cube maker and purchase method

Author:Dongguan Geally Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd Date:2022-08-30 Reading:

An ice maker that produces ice cubes is called a cube ice maker. The English name is Blockicemachine, iceblockmachine, blockicemakingmachine. The size of the ice cubes can be customized according to the size of the ice bucket, and can be crushed into various forms of ice cubes according to different requirements. It is suitable for ice sculpture, ice storage, shipping, sea fishing, etc. The following editor shares the container type of ice cube machine and the content of the purchase method, welcome to read!

Containerized ice cube maker:

All the equipment of the whole block ice machine is installed in the ISO standard container, which is convenient for transportation, installation and movement. There is no need for any pipeline connection on site. It can be put into operation only by providing site, water and electricity, or it can be directly installed on the truck. , forming a mobile ice-making station.

Both direct cooling type and salt water indirect type can be placed in the container.

-The brine ice-making block ice machine is made into a container type, the ice-making capacity of a 20-foot container is 5 tons/day, and the ice-making capacity of a 40-foot container is 12 tons/day;

- The direct cooling block ice machine is made into a container type, the ice production capacity of a 20-foot container is 6 tons/day, and the ice-making capacity of a 40-foot container is 18 tons/day.

How to choose an ice cube maker:

The daily output of the block ice machine: when the user selects the model, it is necessary to clarify the standard working conditions, and combine the local working conditions to obtain the daily output demand. In summer or tropical areas, the water temperature and ambient temperature are high, which prolongs the ice making time. For ice machines with air-cooled condensers, the condensation effect is not ideal. Therefore, considering the influence of temperature, water-cooled cooling can be used to avoid the problem of production decline. .

The ice machine market is still in the initial stage of development, and many customers still have a superficial understanding of the ice machine. The understanding that the ice production will change in different seasons, different air temperatures, water temperatures, and different electrical conditions is incomplete. So there are a lot of wrong purchases.

When buying a block ice machine, you also need to pay attention to the selection of spare parts by merchants. High-quality accessories bring high efficiency and long service life.

Thank you for reading. The above is an introduction to the container type and purchase method of the ice cube maker. Some of the contents are from the Internet and are for reference only. If you want to know more details about the ice cube maker, please call for details and we will serve you wholeheartedly.

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