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How to maintain the flake ice machine? How to prevent the flake ice machine from being damaged?

Author:Dongguan Geally Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd Date:2022-08-30 Reading:

For any maintenance, repair, etc., please be sure to cut off the main power supply of the ice maker before operation. Especially when the ice maker is in the state of "full of ice and water shortage" and shuts down, do not perform any maintenance or repair on the ice maker (let alone enter the inside of the machine), because the ice maker may automatically automatically at any time. Start work and cause injury. The editor will introduce to you how to maintain the flake ice machine and how to prevent the flake ice machine from being damaged. Welcome to read!

How to maintain the flake ice machine?

1. The condenser of the flake ice machine has a certain heat dissipation effect in the refrigeration process, and the cleaning of the ice making directly affects the effect of the ice making. In order to ensure the normal operation of the ice machine, it must be cleaned. Air-cooled condensers are recommended to be cleaned once every three months in general, and once a month in special cases. Water-cooled condensers are generally cleaned once in six months, and in special cases, once every three months. Cooling towers are recommended to be cleaned once a month. .

2. It is recommended to clean the water tank, evaporator, cold storage tray, distribution tray and surface of the flake ice machine once a month.

3. When the flake ice machine is out of use for a long time (more than 15 days), if the ambient temperature is lower than 5 °C, if the ice machine uses a water-cooled condenser, the water in the condenser should be drained to avoid frostbite. Check all parts of the ice maker, water supply.

How to prevent flake ice machine damage:

①The water source cannot be cut off when the equipment is running.

②When switching the storage door, the action should be gentle, and the door should not be kicked or slammed.

③Do not store any items around the storage refrigerator, so as not to hinder the ventilation and deteriorate the sanitary condition.

④When it is turned on for the first time or not used for a long time, the compressor heater should be powered on for 3-5 hours before starting, and then the ice maker should be operated.

⑤ It is forbidden to expose the refrigerator box to a place with high air humidity for a long time without opening it. If the humidity is too high, it may cause the PLC control system and touch screen circuit board to burn out.

Thank you for reading, the above is how to maintain the flake ice machine? How to prevent the flake ice machine from being damaged? The introduction, part of the content comes from the Internet, for reference only. If you want to know more details about the flake ice machine, please call for details and serve you wholeheartedly.

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