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Ice Making,Freezing and Refrigeration Technology
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How to deal with the water leakage of the ice machine?

Author:Dongguan Geally Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd Date:2022-08-30 Reading:

How to deal with the water leakage of the ice machine?

The water leakage of the ice maker will affect the ice making effect, the output and the quality of the ice flakes. In severe cases, the ice maker may be unusable or even damaged. The following reasons may cause the ice machine to leak water.

1. The installation of the ice maker is uneven, causing water to overflow from the water distribution tray.

Treatment method: mobile ice maker

2. The water distribution pipe of the water distribution tray is blocked, causing water to overflow from the water distribution tray.

Treatment method: Use wire and wire to dredge the water distribution pipe.

3. The float valve is damaged or the float valve is installed unevenly, and the water cannot be closed, causing the water to overflow from the return tank or the water tank.

Treatment method: replace the float valve.

4. The water valve of the ice bucket of the ice maker is too open (the switch of the water valve has been debugged at the factory), which causes the water to overflow from the water distributor.

Treatment method: adjust the water valve to the proper position.

5. When the ice maker is used for a long time, the scale blocks the water return port of the ice maker, so that the water cannot return to the water tank and overflows from the water tank.

Treatment method: clean the dirt in the water tank.

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