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The flake ice machine system is faulty, what should I do?

Author:Dongguan Geally Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd Date:2022-08-30 Reading:

The flake ice machine system is faulty, what should I do?

The common system failure and overload protection of flake ice machine is due to the accumulation of dust in the condenser, resulting in poor heat dissipation of the condenser and system failure. Only need to clean the condenser, reset the condenser fan overload protection button, cut off the power and then turn on the power, restart the flake ice machine to resume use.

The flake ice machine's phase failure, wrong phase, high pressure and low pressure may cause system failure. How to deal with the flake ice machine system failure? First find out the cause of the system failure.

1. Phase loss: Check whether the incoming power supply of the machine is out of phase, and whether the line is loose, and strengthen the line in time.

Second, the wrong phase: the phase sequence is reversed, just switch any two of the three live wires.

3. The flake ice machine system failure caused by high pressure.

⑴. Check whether the condenser is blocked by debris. Treatment method: Clean the condenser (should be cleaned once a month).

2. Check whether the refrigerant charge is too much. Treatment method: release excess refrigerant.

⑶. Check whether the high pressure pressure controller is damaged. Replace pressure controller.


4. The flake ice machine system failure caused by the low-voltage failure.

1. Check whether the refrigeration system is blocked.

2. Check whether the refrigerant in the refrigeration system is missing. Treatment method: add the same type of refrigerant.

3. Check whether the solenoid valve is damaged.

4. Whether the low pressure pressure controller is damaged.

5. Check whether the water supply pump of the system is supplying water normally.

Some of the above content is from the Internet and is for reference only. Jili Refrigeration has been engaged in the production and sales of direct cooling block ice machines, block ice machines, flake ice machines and other equipment for many years.

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