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Ice machine manufacturers introduce how to carry out better daily maintenance

Author:Dongguan Geally Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd Date:2022-08-30 Reading:

Compared with other refrigeration equipment, the ice machine has a higher technical content, so the use environment and regular maintenance of the ice machine are very important to the service life and ice making effect of the ice machine. Let the ice maker manufacturer introduce to you how to carry out better daily maintenance, welcome to read!

Ice machine manufacturers introduce how to perform better daily maintenance:

1. The ice maker should be installed in a place far away from heat sources, without direct sunlight and with good ventilation. The ambient temperature should not exceed 35 degrees Celsius to prevent the condenser from dissipating heat due to excessive ambient temperature and affecting the ice making effect. The ground on which the ice maker is installed should be solid and level, and the ice maker must be kept level, otherwise it will not cause ice cubes to fall off and make noise during operation.

2. The gap between the back of the ice maker and the left and right sides is not less than 30cm, and the gap at the top is not less than 60cm.

3. The ice maker should use an independent power supply, powered by a dedicated line, equipped with fuses and leakage protection switches, and be reliably grounded.

4. The water used by the ice maker should meet the national drinking water standards, and a water filter device should be installed to filter impurities in the water, so as not to block the water pipe and pollute the water tank and ice mold. Affects ice making performance.

5. Carefully operate the ice maker during handling to prevent violent vibrations. The slope of handling should not be less than 45 degrees. After long-distance transportation, the ice maker should be placed for 2-6 hours before it can be turned on.

6. Please turn off the power when cleaning the ice maker. It is forbidden to directly flush the machine with water, it is forbidden to scrub with neutral detergent, and it is forbidden to clean with corrosive solvents such as acid and alkali.

7. The ice maker must unscrew the head of the water inlet hose for two months, and clean the water inlet valve filter to prevent the water inlet from being blocked by the sediment impurities in the water, which will cause the water inlet to become smaller, resulting in no ice making.

8. The dust on the condenser surface must be cleaned every two months. Poor condensation and heat dissipation can cause damage to compressor components. When cleaning, use a vacuum cleaner, a small brush, etc. To clean the oil on the condensing surface, do not clean with sharp metal tools, so as not to damage the condenser.

9. The water pipes, water tanks, refrigerators and protective films of the ice maker should be cleaned every two months.

10. Clean the ice maker when it is not in use, and use a hair dryer to dry the ice mold and the water in the box. It should be placed in a dry, ventilated place without corrosive gas, and should not be stored in the open air.

The above is about the introduction of ice machine manufacturers on how to carry out better daily maintenance. Thank you for your patience in reading! If you want to know more about ice maker manufacturers, you can consult our online customer service, we will serve you wholeheartedly.

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