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Ice Making,Freezing and Refrigeration Technology
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3 places to check regularly for small flake ice machines

Author:Dongguan Geally Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd Date:2022-08-30 Reading:

Small flake ice machine is a kind of ice machine, flake ice is flake, dry and loose white ice, the thickness varies from 1.0mm to 2.5mm, the shape of the slice is irregular, and the diameter is about 12-45mm. Flake ice has no sharp edges and corners and will not stab frozen objects. It can enter the gap between the cooled objects, reduce heat exchange, maintain ice temperature, and has a good moisturizing effect. The following will introduce you to several places to be checked regularly for small flake ice machines. Welcome to read!

Flake ice machine regular inspection items:

1. Check the oil level

Cleaning time: Check every six months.

Note: 1. Turn off the main power.

Operation method: 1. Check whether the oil level of the reducer is lower than 1/2 of the sight glass,

2. Change the lubricating oil every twelve months

2. Check the electrical part

Cleaning time: Check every six months.

Note: 1. Turn off the main power.

Operation method: 1. Check whether the contacts of the AC contactor and thermal relay have oxidation, poor contact and lack of phase.

2. Check whether the start/stop switch, emergency stop switch and travel switch are flexible.

3. Check the skates (professionals)

Cleaning time: Check every six months.

Note: 1. Turn off the main power.

Operation method: 1. Use a feeler gauge to insert the ice blade and the inner wall of the evaporator to measure the distance between the two

2. The normal distance is: 0.10-0.20mm (below 3T)

Tools used: feeler gauge

The machine has not been running for a long time (stopped for more than 15 days): Before starting the machine, be sure to check whether the parts, water supply and power supply are normal.

The above is about the regular inspection of the small flake ice machine. Thank you for your patience in reading! If you want to know more about the flake ice machine, please call the consultation service hotline in the upper right corner, we will definitely serve you wholeheartedly.

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