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Ice Making,Freezing and Refrigeration Technology
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Ice maker price and purchase precautions!

Author:Dongguan Geally Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd Date:2022-08-30 Reading:

Ice machines have been widely used in aquatic products, food, supermarkets, dairy products, medicine, chemistry, vegetable preservation and transportation, marine fishing and other industries. However, most people don't know much about the price of ice machines, and they don't know what to pay attention to when buying ice machines, so they don't buy the ice machines they need. Therefore, today I want to introduce you to ice machines. Please read the content of the price and purchase precautions!

Prices for small ice machines:

Prices for small ice machines range from 680 to 37,000.

Ice maker (English name: ice maker or ice machine) is a kind of refrigeration mechanical equipment that generates ice after water is cooled by the refrigerant in the refrigeration system through the evaporator. Ice is created after the device. According to the principle and production method of the evaporator, the shape of the generated ice cubes is also different; people generally divide the ice machine into particle ice machine, flake ice machine, plate ice machine, tube ice machine, shell ice machine, etc. Wait.

Ice makers can be divided into commercial ice makers, household ice makers, and industrial ice makers.

From the shape of ice machine: there are particle ice (cylindrical, square, moon), snowflake, flake ice, plate ice, tube ice, etc.

Particle ice is divided into spray type, flow type and immersion type according to the ice making method.

Different types have different prices.

What should I pay attention to when buying an ice maker?

1. Ice type: There are many common ice types for ice machines, such as snowflake ice, mineral ice, moon ice, round ice, spherical ice and other ice types! The common ones are square ice! Different ice types correspond to different uses, such as catering, medical, and fishery preservation. There are many types!

2. The output of the ice maker: The output of the ice maker is calculated in 24 hours! If the calculation is small, it is not enough for later use!

3. Generally speaking, the ice produced by tube ice machine and particle ice machine is for edible function, while other ice machines such as flake ice machine, plate ice machine, block ice machine, etc. are for industrial use.

Thank you for reading, the above is the price and purchase precautions of the ice maker! The introduction, part of the content comes from the Internet, for reference only. If you want to know more details about the price of the ice maker, please call for details and serve you wholeheartedly.

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