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Ice Making,Freezing and Refrigeration Technology
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Precautions for using direct cooling block ice machine

Author:Dongguan Geally Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd Date:2022-08-30 Reading:

Precautions for using the direct cooling block ice machine:

1. When the compressor is shut down for whatever reason (lack of water, excessive ice, power failure, etc.), it must not be started continuously, and it must be restarted every 5 minutes to avoid damage to the compressor!

2. Regularly check the inlet and outlet pipe joints to deal with a small amount of residual water that may leak!

3. When the ice making and crushing are not in use, the remaining water in the inner tank should be drained, the inner tank of the storage refrigerator should be dried with a clean cloth, and the drain joint cover at the back of the box should be unscrewed to drain the remaining water in the water tank, and then tightened. Drain connector cover!

4. When the ambient temperature drops below 0°C, there is a possibility of freezing, and drainage operations must be carried out to drain the water, otherwise it may cause the rupture of the water inlet pipe!

5. Please unplug the power plug when cleaning, checking and not using the ice maker for more than a week.

6. Drain pipes should be checked 1-2 times a year to prevent clogging.

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