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Comparison of ice cost between direct cooling block ice machine and brine block ice machine

Author:Dongguan Geally Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd Date:2022-08-30 Reading:

Water fee: 5 yuan per party, electricity fee: 0.8 yuan per day, equipment model: 20 tons per day

The cost of direct cooling block ice machine is as follows:

Water fee: The equipment makes 20 tons of ice a day, and the daily water fee is 20*5=100 yuan

Electricity fee: The power consumption of direct cooling ice making is about 60 degrees. Here, it is calculated as 65 degrees. Electricity fee: 20*65*0.8=1040 yuan

Labor: labor is calculated at 25 yuan per hour, 2 people, each person works 4 hours a day, labor cost is: 2*4*25=200 yuan

The cost of the brine block ice maker is as follows:

Water fee: The equipment makes 20 tons of ice a day, and the daily water fee is 23*5=115 yuan

(Salt water is generally more expensive, 20 tons of ice water and 23 tons are just estimates)

Electricity fee: The power consumption of direct cooling ice making is about 80 degrees. Here, it is calculated as 85 degrees. Electricity fee: 20*85*0.8=1360 yuan

Labor: labor is calculated at 25 yuan per hour, 2 people, each person works 6 hours a day, labor cost is: 2*6*25=300 yuan

The cost of buying salt: the 20-ton ice machine runs for 8 months a year, and the cost of buying salt is about 4,000 yuan. The cost of buying salt: 4000/240=16.7/day

Note: Due to repeated ice-making and ice-making, the concentration of brine will decrease. Salt must be added to the brine pool to maintain the concentration. Generally, calcium chloride is purchased. The market price is 1,000 yuan/ton.

Ice mold replacement fee: 20 tons of ice mold and ice bucket rack, the total value is about 50,000 (protection replacement labor, freight, etc.), the equipment is replaced every 6 years, and the ice mold replacement is: 8300 yuan a year, every year Calculated based on 8 months of ice making, the daily cost is: 8300/240=34.5 yuan

Note: The direct-cooled ice mold basically does not need to be replaced, nor does it need to buy salt, so the cost is lower.

Therefore: the cost of making 20 tons of ice per day for the direct cooling block ice machine is: 100+1040+200=1340 yuan

The cost of making 20 tons of ice per day with a salt water block ice machine is: 115+1360+300+16.7+34.5=1826.2

If 20 tons of ice cubes are produced per day, and the production is calculated for 8 months a year, the direct cooling block ice machine will save costs than the salt water block ice machine:

(1826.2-1340)*30*8=116688 yuan

The direct cooling block ice machine saves per ton of ice than the brine block ice machine per ton of ice:

(1826.2-1340)/20=24.3 yuan

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